Heartland Brew Coffee in the North Island


It has been a turbulent few months for the hospitality industry but we are grateful for your support of Heartland Brew Coffee and we, like everyone else, are looking forward to Level 1 in New Zealand. Our Coffee Worx distribution centre in Wigram, Christchurch, is back up and running at normal trading hours 930am to 4pm Monday to Friday and … Read More

Wigram Pantry Market Day September 7th, 1- 3pm

Wigram Market Day

The Wigram Pantry Collective has come about as businesses from the Wigram area have come together to provide a small network of high quality, freshly produced goods in the area, giving customers a reason to travel to Wigram to access the benefits from buying directly from the producers (the pantry door). Heartland Brew is roasted and blended by our partner … Read More